Floating, Docking, and Pinning MDI Child Forms

You can programmatically provide the functionality to float, dock, and pin MDI child forms in your own application logic, as follows.

When floated, an MDI child form is positioned on the screen in the same position, except it is not a child restricted to the MDI frame; for example, it can be dragged to another monitor.

The MDI child form is always on top of the MDI frame. To reposition the form programmatically, set the left and top properties, or use the Window class move method.

When an MDI child form is docked, the position and size of the form is restored to the values it had when it was floated, if the current top‑most MDI child in the MDI frame is not maximized. If the current top-most MDI child in the MDI frame is maximized, the docked form is also maximized.

2020.0.01 and higher