JadeMask Properties

The properties defined in the JadeMask class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
activeColor Contains the color to be matched in the mask picture for the definition of the logical area
alignment Contains the alignment of the caption
canHaveFocus Specifies whether the control can have focus
cancel Specifies whether the control is the Cancel button
caption Contains the caption for the mask control
captionHeight Contains the height of the caption region
captionLeft Contains the left position of the caption region
captionTop Contains the top position of the caption region
captionWidth Contains the width of the caption region
createRegionFromMask Specifies whether a region is created around the mask picture on a control
default Specifies whether the control is the default button
disabledForeColor Determines the color of disabled displayed text in a JadeMask control unless the value of this property is zero (0)
pictureFocus Contains the picture that defines the mask for the control when it has focus and it is in the up position
pictureFocusDown Contains the picture that defines the mask for the control when it has focus and it is in the down position
pictureMask Contains the picture that defines the mask for the control
pictureRollOver Contains the picture used when the mouse is over the control in the up position
pictureRollUnder Contains the picture used when the mouse is over the control in the down position
style Contains the style of the mask control
value Specifies whether the button is up (false) or down (true)

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.