JadeEditMask Properties

The properties defined in the JadeEditMask class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
autoSize Specifies whether a control is automatically resized to fit its contents
autoTab Specifies whether focus is automatically moved to the next control in the tab order of the form, or to the next accessible cell (for a JadeEditMask control in a table)
insertMode Contains the initial setting of the control that indicates whether the control is in Insert or Overwrite mode
languageId Specifies the locale associated with the language identifier to be used by the control
mask Contains a concatenated series of symbols defining the characteristics of the editing requirement and the actions to be taken
promptCharacter Contains the character to fill the enterable character positions of the text in the text box fields of the control
readOnly Specifies whether a control is read-only for user input
selectionStyle Determines whether a text box portion of the edit mask control that receives focus is selected
text Contains the text contained in the edit area
textUser Contains the concatenated user text of the text box fields on the control, excluding any literals

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.