ComboBox Methods

The methods defined in the ComboBox class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addItem Adds a new item to a combo box
addItemAt Adds a new item at a specified item index to a combo box
clear Clears the contents of a combo box
closeDropDown Closes (hides) the drop-down list of the combo box
displayCollection Attaches the specified collection to the list portion of the combo box
findObject Searches the list entries of a combo box for the object specified in the object parameter
findString Searches the entries in a combo box for an entry with the specified string
findStringCaseSensitive Searches the entries in a combo box for an entry with the specified case‑sensitive string
findStringExact Searches the entries in a combo box for an entry that exactly matches the specified string
findStringExactCaseSensitive Searches the entries in a combo box for an entry that exactly matches the specified case‑sensitive string
getCollection Returns the collection attached to the combo box by the displayCollection or listCollection method
isDroppedDown Returns true if the drop-down list of the combo box is visible
itemHasSubItems Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an item has subitems
itemVisible Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an item is visible
listCollection Enables combo boxes to have a collection attached to them
listCount Returns the number of items in the list portion of a combo box
newIndex Returns the index of the item most recently added to a combo box
refreshEntries Refreshes the displayed list of entries in the combo box
removeItem Removes an item (and its subitems) from a combo box
showDropDown Opens (shows) the drop-down list of the combo box

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Methods", later in this document.