
updateCompile(source:      String;
              errorCode:   Integer output;
              errorOffset: Integer output;
              errorLength: Integer output): Boolean updating;

The updateCompile method of the TranslatableString class compiles and updates the existing translatable string. If the compilation fails, the method returns true, the translatable string is not updated and the current transaction is aborted.

The updateCompile method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
source The new source for the translatable string.
errorCode The error code returned by the compiler. A value of zero (0) indicates that the translatable string compiled successfully.
errorOffset The position of the error in the translatable string. Note that the first character of the translatable string has a position of zero (0).
errorLength The length in characters of the error in the translatable string.

To add and compile a new translatable string to all base locales of the receiving schema, use the addCompileTranslatableString method of the Schema class.