
Type: Integer

The rpsDatabaseType property of the RelationalView class contains the intended use of the relational view; that is, whether it is used by the JADE ODBC driver for third-party relation access to the JADE database or whether it is used by the JADE RPS to replicate data in an RDBMS database.

The rpsDatabaseType property values are described in the following table:

RelationalView Class Constant Value Description
DatabaseType_RelationalView 0 Not an RPS mapping. Used to access a JADE database using the ODBC driver.
DatabaseType_RpsNodeUseDefault 0 Uses the default RPS node.
DatabaseType_SqlServer2000 1 RPS mapping used to replicate data to a SQL Server 2000 database.
DatabaseType_SqlServer2005 2 RPS mapping used to replicate data to a SQL Server 2005 database.
DatabaseType_SqlServer2008 3 RPS mapping used to replicate data to a SQL Server 2008 or later database.