Printer Class Constants

The Printer class constants are listed in the following table.

Printer Class Constant Value Description
DrawFillStyle_Cross 6 Cross
DrawFillStyle_DiagonalCross 7 Diagonal cross
DrawFillStyle_DownDiagonal 5 Downward diagonal
DrawFillStyle_HorzLine 2 Horizontal line
DrawFillStyle_Solid 0 Solid (the default)
DrawFillStyle_Transparent 1 Transparent
DrawFillStyle_UpDiagonal 4 Upward diagonal
DrawFillStyle_VertLine 3 Vertical line
DrawGrid_Crosses 1 Small crosses drawn at the grid line intersection
DrawGrid_Dots 2 Dots drawn at the grid line intersections
DrawGrid_Lines 0 Horizontal and vertical grid lines
DrawStyle_Dash 1 Dash
DrawStyle_DashDot 3 Dash-dot
DrawStyle_DashDotDot 4 Dash-dot-dot
DrawStyle_Dot 2 Dot
DrawStyle_InsideSolid 6 Draws inside the bounding rectangle, taking the width of the pen into account
DrawStyle_Solid 0 Solid (the default)
DrawStyle_Transparent 5 Transparent
DrawTextAlign_Center 2 Positions text so that it is centered
DrawTextAlign_Left 0 Text is output starting at the specified left position (the default)
DrawTextAlign_Right 1 Positions text so that it ends at the specified position
Duplex_Horizontal 3 Prints on both sides of the paper to read by flipping over like a notepad (that is, the duplex Short Side setting)
Duplex_Simplex 1 Print is output to one side of the paper only (the default)
Duplex_Vertical 2 Prints on both sides of the paper to read by turning like a book (that is, the duplex Long Side setting)
PrintedStatus_Aborted 3 The report printing was aborted
PrintedStatus_All 1 The entire report was printed
PrintedStatus_Cancelled 4 The report printing process was canceled, producing only partial output
PrintedStatus_Not 0 No printing occurred
PrintedStatus_Partial 2 The user printed specific pages only in print preview