
nodeType(): Integer;

The nodeType method of the Node class returns a Node class constant integer value that represents the type of the node object. The values that can be returned are listed in the following table.

Node Class Constant Description
Type_Undefined Undefined
Type_DatabaseServer Database server (jadrap or jadserv)
Type_ApplicationServer Application server (jadapp or jadappb in multiuser mode)
Application server and database server (jadapp or jadappb in single user mode)
Type_StandardClient Standard client node (jade in multiuser mode; not as a thin client)
Type_StandardClientAndDatabaseServer Standard client node and database server (jade in single user mode)
Type_NonGuiClient Non‑GUI (jadclient) node
Type_NonGuiClientAndDatabaseServer Non‑GUI (jadclient) node and database server
Type_DatabaseAdmin Database administration (jdbadmin) node
Database administration (jdbadmin) node and database server

Non‑GUI nodes include user‑written executables that use the JADE Object Manger API (C++) and the JADE .NET API (C#).