

The close method of the NamedPipe class closes a connection to a remote application and returns when the connection is closed. The closure occurs immediately for a named pipe, and there is no delay. This method can be called when the connection is in any state.

An exception is raised if this method is invoked from a server method when the server node is not running under a Windows operating system that supports services.

The other end of the pipe is notified the next time that it performs a read or write operation on the pipe, or if an asynchronous operation is currently in progress. The pipe is then automatically closed; that is, the value of the Connection superclass state property is set to Disconnected (0).

You can reopen a closed pipe again by using the listen, listenAsynch, open, or openAsynch method. You should delete the pipe instance when you have finished with it.

When an application is terminated, failure to close a pipe when there are asynchronous operations in progress may result in a fatal crash.