
Type: Character[1]

The read-only type property of the Lock class is set to the value of the type parameter of the lock request. The character values correspond to the Update_Lock, Share_Lock, Reserve_Lock, and Exclusive_Lock global constant in the Locks category.

For more details, see "Locks Category", in Appendix A of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types, and "JADE Locking", in Chapter 6 of the JADE Developer’s Reference.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the type property.

foreach lock in locksArray do
    if lock.type.Integer = Share_Lock then
        write "Shared lock";
    elseif lock.type.Integer = Exclusive_Lock then
        write "Exclusive lock";
    elseif lock.type.Integer = Reserve_Lock then
        write "Reserve lock";