JadeTimeZone Properties

The read‑only properties defined in the JadeTimeZone class are summarized in the following table.

Properties Description
currentDaylightBias Current additional offset in minutes between the time zone and the UTC time zone that is applied when daylight saving is active in the time zone
currentUtcBias Current offset in minutes between the time zone and the UTC time zone, not accounting for daylight saving
daylightSaving Specifies whether the time zone supports daylight saving
daylightTimeName Name used to refer to the time zone during daylight saving
displayName General name of the time zone
historicalTimeZones Historical time zone information for years in which that information exists
ianaName Name of the time zone within the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) tz database
standardTimeName Name of the time zone during standard (non‑daylight saving) time

2020.0.01 and higher