
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at run time only

The marginLeft property of the JadeTableElement class contains the amount by which the cell content is offset from the left-hand edge for all cells in a table element. Effectively, the margins create a rectangle inside the cell into which the image, text, or cell control is placed.

The value of the marginLeft property for a cell is initially unset but can be changed through code at increasingly more-specific levels: JadeTableSheet, JadeTableRow, JadeTableColumn, and JadeTableCell. Where there are conflicting changes, the most-specific change determines the resulting value of the property.

The value is in the range 0 through 255, with the value 255 having the special meaning of returning the property to its unset state. If no value has been set, the default value is zero (0).

If the autoSize property is set for the table, changing the value of the marginLeft property affects the width of the column unless the columnWidth property has been specifically set by logic.

The code fragment in the following example sets the left-hand margin of 3 pixels for all cells in the sheet.

table1.accessSheet(1).marginLeft := 3;

When merging cells, the marginLeft value of the first cell in the range is used.