
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The foreColor property of the JadeSkinWindowStateImage class contains the foreground color used to draw text for the defined window state. This property is used for the text for a defined window state of a Button, Folder control sheet tab, and JadeMask control when a JadeSkinButton skin is assigned.

The default value of #80000000 means that no foreground color is applied to the text color of the control by the window state so that the text color is defined by the value of the foreColor property of the JadeSkinButton class or Control class; otherwise the value is used to draw the text when a specific window state is active. For example, when the mouse is moved over a button and an imgRollOver property value is defined for that state, the text is drawn using the foreColor property value when it is not #80000000.

This behavior is not affected by any foreColor property value assigned to the control. It would therefore normally not be used to draw the text in its normal state, because otherwise a skinned control will not show a foreColor value assigned by logic to the control.

Use the Default foreColor check box on the Window State Image sheet of the Jade Skin Maintenance form to specify the rollover foreground color. When you uncheck this check box, the common Color dialog is displayed, to enable you to select or define the foreground color you require for the rollOver state of the skin.

2018.0.01 and higher