
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The tabHeight property of the JadeSkinFolder class contains the height of the tabs in a folder that uses the default tab height determination (that is, the Folder class tabsHeight property is set to the default value of 0).

If the height of the tabs for the folder has been specifically set, the tabHeight property of the skin is ignored. By default, the tabHeight property is set to zero (0), indicating that the default height is the calculated text height using the font of the folder. If the tabHeight property is set to a positive value, each tab is drawn the specified number of pixels high.

If the tabHeight property is zero (0) and a button image is provided (by the JadeSkinSheet class myTabButton property), the height of the tabs is incremented by the height of the top and bottom border areas of the button and by the height of its skin top and bottom images (that is, the JadeSkinButton class myButtonUp property imgBorderBottomStrip and imgBorderTopStrip values).