
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The hintForeColor property of the JadeSkinTextBox class specifies the color with which the text box foreground (text) is displayed when hint text is displayed. (JADE uses the RGB scheme for colors.) The default value of #80000000 means that the property is ignored and the defined TextBox class hintForeColor property value is used.

This value applies only if the TextBox class hintText property is not null (""), the hint text is displayed (that is, the text box is empty), and the JadeSkinTextBox class hint value is not #80000000 (the default).

The property value is also ignored when the hint text is displayed and the text box text is disabled, in which case the text box is drawn in its disabled state (with the hint text still displayed).

For details about the TextBox class hint foreground color, see the TextBox class hintForeColor property in Volume 3 of the JADE Encyclopedia of Classes.

2018.0.01 and higher