
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The borderStyle property of the JadeSkinControl class contains the type of border to be drawn on the control skin. The default value is BorderStyle_Images (4).

The borderStyle property values are listed in the following table.

JadeSkinArea Class Constant Integer Value Description
BorderStyle_3DRaised 3 Raised three-dimensional border (two pixels).
BorderStyle_3DSunken 2 Sunken three-dimensional border (two pixels).
BorderStyle_Images 4 Border is drawn using the supplied images of the JadeSkinArea class. If there are no images, the control does not have a border.
BorderStyle_None 0 No border is drawn.
BorderStyle_Single 1 Fixed single-line border.

If you set the borderStyle property to a value other than the default BorderStyle_Images (4), the defined border is drawn and the border images defined in the JadeSkinArea class are ignored.

For more details about control borders, see the Window class borderStyle property and the JadeSkinControl class applyCondition property.