JadeRestResponse Properties

The properties defined in the JadeRestResponse class are summarized in the following table.

Property Contains the …
data Value of the body part of the HTTP response sent back to the client from the REST API
dataFormat Data format that was used for the REST Request
discriminator Name of the discriminator property used to specify the class of an object serialized into JSON
lastErrorCode Last error code if the REST Request was unsuccessful, otherwise 0 (Success)
lastException Last exception object if the REST Request was unsuccessful, otherwise null
responseStatus Status of the HTTP connection after the request; that is, the value of the state property of the JadeHTTPConnection object used to perform the request
statusCode Status code of the HTTP connection after the request; that is, the return value of the queryStatusCode() method of the JadeHTTPConnection object used to perform the request

2020.0.01 and higher