JadeRestRequest Methods

The methods defined in the JadeRestRequest class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addBearerToken Adds a bearer token (for example, a JSON Web Token) to the REST request.
addFormUrlData Adds object properties as (key, value) pairs when consuming a REST service that requires the application/x‑www‑form‑urlencoded content‑type.
addMultipartFormData Adds content when consuming a REST service that requires the multipart/form‑data content‑type.
addObjectParam Adds an object to the HTTP body when consuming a REST service that requires the application/json or application/xml content‑type. The object is serialized into JSON or XML, depending on the content‑type.
addQueryString Adds a parameter to the query string part of the URI.
addURLSeg Adds a value for one of the parameters contained within the REST API URI.
create Instantiates an object of the JadeRestRequest class.
replaceDefaultDiscriminator Replaces the default value of the discriminator with a new value.

2020.0.01 and higher