JadeReportWriterSecurity Methods

The methods defined in the JadeReportWriterSecurity class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
canAccessConfiguration Returns the type of access that the specified user has to the Configuration application
canAccessDesigner Returns the type of access that the specified user has to the Designer application
canAccessFolder Returns the type of access that the specified user has to the specified folder in the Configuration application
canAccessReport Returns the type of access that the specified user has to the specified report when reports are listed for selection
canAccessView Returns the type of access that the specified user has to the specified view when reports are listed for selection or extraction
canAccessViewClass Controls visibility of view classes in the Designer application
canAccessViewFeature Controls visibility of view features in the Designer application
canDeleteReport Restricts the reports that a specified user can delete
canMaintainFolders Returns the type of access that the specified user has to folders in the Configuration application
canMaintainSystemOptions Returns the type of access that the specified user has to system options in the Configuration application
canMaintainViews Returns the type of access that the specified user has to views in the Configuration application
folderDeleted Called when a folder is deleted
folderPathChanged Called when a folder path is changed
isViewFeatureAccessSet Specifies whether the user can access the view
newFolderAdded Enables the user who created a new folder to access that folder when security is set
newReportAdded Enables the user who created a new report to access that report when security is set
newViewAdded Enables the user who created a new view to access that view when security is set
reportDeleted Called when a report is deleted
reportNameChanged Called when a report name is changed
viewDeleted Called when a view is deleted
viewNameChanged Called when the name of a view is changed