
setOutputDestination(destination: Integer);

The setOutputDestination method of the JadeReportWriterReport class sets the output destination of the report. The destination parameter specifies the output destination that you require, represented by one of the JadeReportWriterReport class constants listed in the following table.

Class Constant Integer Value Description
CSV 3 Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file format
DELIMITED_FILE 3 Delimited file format (for example, containing commas, semicolons, tabs, or spaces)
HTML 2 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file
PRINTER 0 Output to the default printer of the user
RTF 4 Rich Text File (RTF) file format for Microsoft Word for Windows
TEXT 6 Text (or ASCII) file format, and can contain new page characters
XML 5 Extensible Markup Language (XML) file format