
setLocaleTimeOptions(timeSeparator: String;
                     timeAMText:    String;
                     timePMText:    String): Boolean;

The setLocaleTimeOptions method of the JadeReportWriterReport class sets the format for Time fields to be used when running the report. The method overrides default time settings specified on the System Formats dialog, the Report Formats dialog, and the Field Properties dialog for time fields.

The parameters for the setLocaleTimeOptions method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
timeSeparator A string with a maximum of 10 characters that is displayed between the hours, minutes, and seconds.
timeAMText A string with a maximum of 30 characters that is displayed for times before midday.
timePMText A string with a maximum of 30 characters that is displayed for times after midday.

If a parameter has an invalid value (for example, a string has too many characters), the method returns false and default formats are used.

Overriding does not take place for fields where the report or field format value is null. For example, if the time separator for a field is set to null (to concatenate the hours, minutes, and seconds values), calling the setLocaleTimeOptions method with a timeSeparator parameter value of "-" would not insert the separator characters.

If you do not want to override a format setting, set the value of the corresponding parameter to null. In the following code fragment, the setLocaleTimeOptions method is used to override the time separator only.

report.setLocaleDateOptions(" :: ", null, null);