JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransport Properties

The properties defined in the JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransport class are summarized in the following table.

Property Contains the …
listenHostname Host name of the listening connection
listenPortnumber Port number of the listening connection
listenState State of the listen connection
queueDepthLimit Connection ready queue size required to trigger the QueueDepthExceeded management event
queueDepthLimitTimeout Number of seconds that the connection ready queue size must remain greater than the value of the queueDepthLimit property before triggering the QueueDepthExceeded management event
statisticsLogInterval Number of seconds at which worker and group to-date statistics are written to the jommsg.log file
userGroupObject Reference to an object that you can associate with the transport group
workerId Unique sequential number assigned on the first beginListening method call on this JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransport object
workerIdleTimeout Number of seconds after the last event handled by this process that the WorkerIdleTimeout management event is queued for this process