JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransport Methods

The methods defined in the JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransport class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
beginListening Attaches to the transport group and creates a new group if the specified group does not exist
cancelNotify Stops callbacks being queued to this process
causeUserEventOnConnId Queues a user event for the specified connection
countAssignedConnections Returns the number of connections currently assigned to this worker
countBoundConnections Returns the number of connections currently bound to this worker
countIdleWorkers Returns the number of idle worker processes sharing the pool
countQueuedConnections Returns the number of connections that are unassigned and have queued events
countWorkers Returns the number of worker processes sharing the pool
getFullName Returns the full name of this transport group (that is, the values of the listenHostname and listenPortnumber properties, separated by a colon character)
getGroupId Returns the unique number assigned to each transport group when it is created by the first worker to call the beginListening method with a new full name
getGroupStatistics Populates the specified JadeDynamicObject with properties containing the to‑date values of statistics captured by this transport group
getMyStatistics Populates the specified JadeDynamicObject with properties containing the to‑date values of statistics captured by the receiving worker
notifyEventsAsync Notifies the implementing JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransportIF receiver of asynchronous events
stopListening Closes the listen connection to prevent further client connections
validateServerProcess Validates the server process