
writeBinaryAndFile(buffer: Binary;
                   fyle:   File;
                   offset: Decimal;
                   length: Integer);

The writeBinaryAndFile method of the JadeMultiWorkerTcpConnection class writes binary data to the connection, writes the specified section of the file specified in the fyle parameter, and then returns when the operation is complete. The value of the buffer parameter can be empty.

The file specified in the fyle parameter must be open for reading.

Use the offset parameter to specify a file offset as a decimal value and the length parameter to specify the number of bytes to read and send.

This method can be called only when the value of the state property is Connected.

Specify the file offset and length parameter values in octets.

If you want to send the entire file, specify a value of zero (0) for the offset parameter and a value of minus 1 (-1) for the length parameter.