
getTimestamps(invokeTS:  TimeStamp output;
              beginTS:   TimeStamp output;
              finishTS:  TimeStamp output;
              harvestTS: TimeStamp output;
              qdepth:    Integer output);

The getTimestamps method of the JadeMethodContext class outputs timestamp and queue depth information relating to the processing of the asynchronous method call.

The parameters for the getTimestamps method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
invokeTS The timestamp value when the asynchronous method call was invoked using the JadeMethodContext instance
beginTS The timestamp value when the worker application began processing the asynchronous method call
finishTS The timestamp value when the worker application completed processing the asynchronous method call
harvestTS The timestamp when the receiver was returned by the waitForMethods method and reported as complete
qdepth The number of requests already queued when the asynchronous method call request was added to the queue