
verifySingleValueClaim(claimLocation: Integer; 
                       token:         String;
                       key:           String;
                       value:         String): Boolean typeMethod;

The verifySingleValueClaim method of the JadeJWTValidator class parses the specified JSON Web Token for the claim specified in the key parameter and returns true if the claim is present and contains one of the value specified in the value parameter; otherwise it returns false.

The claimLocation parameter defines the section of the token in which to look for the specified claim. The claim location can be one of the JadeRequiredClaimAnnotation class constants listed in the following table.

Class Constant Claim...
Location_Body Must be present in the body of the JSON Web Token
Location_Either Can be present in the header or the body of the JSON Web Token
Location_Header Must be present in the header of the JSON Web Token

2020.0.01 and higher