JadeJsonWebKeySetReader Methods

The methods defined in the JadeJsonWebKeySetReader class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
getCertificateFromJWKS Returns the first X5c certificate in the specified JSON Web Key Set with the specified key identifier (kid)
getJWKSFromToken Parses a JSON Web Token for a JSON Web Key Set and then returns it
getJWKSFromURL Request a JSON Web Key Set from the specified endpoint and then returns it
getKeyFromCertificate Returns the public key from the specified X5c certificate
getKeyFromJWKS Returns the public key of the first X5c certificate in the specified JSON Web Key Set with the specified key identifier (kid)
getKeyFromToken Parses a JSON Web Token for the issuer (iss) claim then returns the public key of the first X5c certificate in that JSON Web Key Set with the key identifier (kid) claim of the token

2020.0.01 and higher