JadeHTTPConnection Properties

The properties defined in the JadeHTTPConnection class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
abs_path Path portion of the url property
connectTimeout Timeout value, in milliseconds, to use for server connection requests
fragment Fragment portion of the url property
hostname Name of the host to which to connect
httpVersion Version of the HTTP protocol
password Password portion of the url property
port Port number to use when the connect operation is requested
protocolFamily Protocol used by the TCP/IP connection
proxyConfig Required type of access
proxyHostname Name of the proxy server or servers to use when proxy access is specified
proxyPassword Password for the proxy server authentication, if required
proxyUser User name for the proxy server authentication, if required
query Query portion of the url property
receiveTimeout Timeout value, in milliseconds, to receive a response to a request
responseBody Response message
responseHeaders HTTP headers from the response message
scheme HTTP scheme
sendTimeout Timeout value, in milliseconds, to use for sending requests
state State of the connection
url URL of the page being requested
usePresentationClient Uses WinHTTP (or WinINet) from the machine from which the presentation client is running
user User portion of the url property value