JadeGenericQueue Methods

The methods defined in the JadeGenericQueue class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
beginMessage Prepares a specified message for segmented transmission and links it with a destination queue
cancelNotify Deregisters the object that received callback notifications for the arrival of messages in a queue
close Unlinks the receiver from the actual message queue so that the queue is no longer accessible
countQueuedMessages Returns the number of messages present in the queue
countReceivers Returns the number of processes that currently have the queue opened for retrieval of messages
createMessage Returns a message object that can be added to or retrieved from a queue
getMaxSegmentLength Returns the maximum length of an individual segment of a message
getMessage Retrieves a message from the queue
getMessageByCorrelationID Retrieves a message from the queue with a specified correlationID value
getQueueManager Returns a reference to the queue manager object that manages the queue
getQueueProperty Returns the value of the specified property of the queue object
getTransportName Returns the name of the transport associated with the queue
isOpen Returns true if the queue has not been closed
isRemote Returns true if the queue is owned by another queue manager
notifyEventsAsync Registers an object for callback notifications for the arrival of messages in a queue
purge Discards messages that have not been retrieved and returns the number discarded
putMessage Adds the specified message into the queue
setQueueProperty Sets the specified property of the queue object to the specified value