
setPropertyValueAsPropertyType(propertyName: String;
                               value: Any) updating;

The setPropertyValueAsPropertyType method of the JadeDynamicObject class converts the value specified in the value parameter to the type of the property specified in the propertyName parameter on the receiver JadeDynamicObject and then sets the specified property to the converted value at run time.

The conversion is the same as that performed using the following syntax.


The conversion does not guarantee that the conversion is valid; for example, a conversion from a Character primitive type to a Date primitive type results in an invalid Date primitive type value.

If the specified value parameter is not a primitive type, conversion is not valid and exception 1000 (Invalid parameter type) is raised.

If the property of the receiver JadeDynamicObject specified in the propertyName parameter is not a primitive type, conversion is not valid and exception 1264 (Invalid type for property) is raised.

2020.0.01 and higher