JadeDotNetType Class

The transient JadeDotNetType class is the superclass for classes that are proxies for non-GUI .NET classes. Before you can access the .NET object you must first create an instance of the JADE proxy class.

The JADE proxy object is used to create the corresponding .NET object by calling the createDotNetObject method, which invokes the default .NET constructor, or an equivalent createDotNetObject_n method, which invokes an alternative constructor with parameters. You can then use methods on the JADE proxy object, which were generated by the import wizard, to access corresponding members on the actual .NET object.

Before creating the .NET object, you can set the usePresentationClient property to specify whether the component runs on the presentation client or the application server. By default, all components run on the presentation client.

The following method shows how the generated classes and methods are used.

    b, b2 : Basic;                        // Subclass of JadeDotNetType
    // Create a JADE instance of the class representing the .NET object
    create b transient;
    // Optionally, specify where the actual .NET object is created
    b.usePresentationClient := false;
    // Request the creation of the corresponding .NET object
    // Use methods and properties on the JADE instance
    // to access members of the .NET object
    write b.integer;
    b2 := b.anotherOne;
    delete b;
    delete b2;

See also "Updating .NET Properties on Value Types", in Chapter 4 of the JADE External Interface Developer’s Reference.

Event handling on components is a little more complex. By default, component events are not passed onto JADE. To start receiving such events, the beginEventNotification method must be called.

When a .NET assembly is imported, the proxy classes for non-GUI .NET types are created as subclasses of the JadeDotNetType class, as shown in the following image.

For details about importing .NET assemblies, see "Importing .NET External Component Libraries", in Chapter 16 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide. For details about the property and methods defined in the JadeDotNetType class, see "JadeDotNetType Property" and "JadeDotNetType Methods", in the following subsections.

For details about passing variable parameters to methods, see "Passing Variable Parameters to Methods", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Developer’s Reference.

