
display(): String;

The display method of the JadeDbFilePartition class returns a string containing details about a single database partition (that is, the name, location, whether the partition is frozen and whether it is marked as absent, and so on).

The following code fragment shows the use and of the display method to display information about the first partition of the Order file.

write Order.getDbFile.getPartition(1).display;

The following output is produced.

dbFile = DbFile/1306.4 : 4
partitionID = 1
name = part0000000001
label =
location =
offline = false
frozen = false
created @ 26 February 2009, 13:55:08
modified @ 26 February 2009, 14:20:11
stable in backup @ 00:00:00
stable in full backup @ 00:00:00