
backupDbFiles(backupDir:      String;
              fileKinds:      Integer;
              verifyFiles:    Boolean;
              compressFiles:  Boolean;
              overwriteFiles: Boolean;
              quiesce:        Boolean;
              droppedFiles:   DbFileArray input) updating;

The backupDbFiles method of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class backs up the kinds (categories) of files specified in the fileKinds parameter to the directory specified in the backupDir parameter.

The backup directory specified in the backupDir parameter must be a valid directory that is relative to the server.

Use the fileKinds parameter to select files for backup by their kind, or category group. (For details about the kinds of database files that you can select, see the DbFile class kind property or "DbFile Class Constants", earlier in this chapter.) You can select multiple file kinds in a single call, by summing the kind constant values. For example, to select user schema files, environmental files, and user data files, you could pass the following value for the fileKinds parameter:

DbFile.Kind_Environmental + DbFile.Kind_User_Schema + DbFile.Kind_User_Data

Set the verifyFiles parameter to true if you want the backed up file checked, or verified. In a checked file backup, objects are read using the database access routines and object caching mechanisms, and at the same time, a verification of the data and indexes is performed. The verification performs various consistency checks similar to a database certify, to ensure the integrity of the backup. Furthermore, additional checksum information is added to the backup, to allow restore operations to verify the integrity of the backup as the data is restored.

Set the compressFiles parameter to true if you want to compress backed up data. You can compress data in a checked or an unchecked backup.

Set the overwriteFiles parameter to true if you want file backups to overwrite existing files in the destination backup directory. When this parameter is false, an exception is raised if an existing file is detected.

Use the quiesce parameter to allow a quiesced read-only backup transaction to be specified. When you set this parameter to true, the database is placed in a quiescent state by first allowing current active transactions to be completed, flushing modified buffers for cache to the stable database. In this mode, physical database files contain all committed updates to the database, and the files are opened in read-only mode with shared read access allowing external backup processes to safely copy database files.

In the quiescent mode, updating transactions are not permitted and attempts to execute database transactions raise a database exception. When a backup is performed in the quiescent mode, the physical database files are guaranteed to contain all database updates and a quiesced backup does not require backup recovery.

Set the quiesce parameter to false to allow updates during the backup process. When restoring a database backed up fully online (that is, this parameter is set to false), the restoration process requires the recovery of backed up transaction journals. A backup recovery is required after restoring files that were fully backed up online (that is, the quiesce parameter was set to false).

The droppedFiles parameter specifies an array of the database files that are not backed up.