JadeBytes Methods

The methods defined in the JadeBytes class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
add Appends one byte at the end of the binary content of the receiver
allocate Allocates a specified amount of virtual storage on the receiver for binary content
appendData Appends binary data at the end of the binary content of the receiver
at Returns the byte at the specified offset from the binary content of the receiver
atPut Places a specified byte value at a specified offset in the binary content of the receiver
clear Clears the binary content of the receiver
copy Copies the binary content of the receiver to an empty JadeBytes object
createIterator Creates an iterator for the receiver that can iterate in the forwards iteration only
display Returns a string containing a textual description of the state and binary content of the receiver
extractToFile Extracts the binary content of the receiver to a file with a specified file name
extractToFileDirect Extracts the binary content of the receiver to a file with a specified file name
extractUsingFile Extracts the binary content of the receiver to a file using a specified File object
first Returns the first byte of the binary content of the receiver
getContent Returns the binary content of the receiver
getData Returns a specified number of bytes from the binary content of the receiver starting at a specified offset
getFileTitle Returns the path and file name of the dedicated file associated with a singleFile instance
getLength Returns the length allocated to the receiver for storage of binary content
getSegmentCount Returns the number of segments allocated to the receiver for storage of binary content
getSegmentSize Returns the system assigned segment size in bytes
getStatistics Populates a dynamic object with structural statistics
grow Increases the virtual storage allocated to the receiver for binary content to the specified length
isEmpty Returns true if no content has been assigned and no storage space has been allocated
last Returns the last byte of the binary content of the receiver
loadFromFile Loads the binary content of the receiver from a file with a specified file name
loadFromFileDirect Loads the binary content of the receiver from a file with a specified file name
loadUsingFile Loads the binary content of the receiver using a specified File object
matchChecksum Calculates the MD5 checksum of the current binary contents and returns true if it matches the current stored checksum
purge Clears the binary content of the receiver
putData Places the specified binary data at a specified offset in the binary content of the receiver
setCaching Enables or disables caching of the binary content of the receiver
setContent Sets or replaces the binary content of the receiver with the specified data
setExpectedLength Specifies the expected total length of the binary content of an empty receiver
truncate Truncates the binary content of the receiver to the specified length
updateChecksum Calculates the MD5 checksum of the current binary contents and updates the current stored checksum to match