
Type: Integer

The read-only currentRecordType property of the JadeAuditAccess class contains the record type associated with the currently retrieved audit record.

The audit type can be one of the values listed in the following table.

Integer Value JadeAuditAccess Class Constant Action
11 Jaa_Type_Create Create object
12 Jaa_Type_Delete Delete object
17 Jaa_Type_Update Update object
49 Jaa_Type_DatabaseOpen Database open
50 Jaa_Type_DatabaseClose Database close
51 Jaa_Type_BeginTransaction Begin transaction
52 Jaa_Type_CommitTransaction Commit transaction
53 Jaa_Type_AbortTransaction Abort transaction
54 Jaa_Type_AuditSwitch Audit switch
64 Jaa_Type_NoAuditDiscontinuity No-audit discontinuity
80 Jaa_Type_ReorgDiscontinuity Reorganization
96 Jaa_Type_UserSignOn User sign-on
97 Jaa_Type_UserSignOff User sign-off
98 Jaa_Type_ChangeUser User change