
Type: Integer

The maxRecordSize property of the File class contains the maximum size in file units of a buffer that can be read from a text file by using the readLine method. If an attempt is made to read a line larger than maxRecordSize, the line is truncated to the number of characters specified by the maxRecordSize property and an exception is raised.

The default value is 8192 units.

The units of a file depend on the type of file; that is, the type determined by the kind property. For Unicode text files, units are Unicode characters (each Unicode character is two bytes). For ANSI text files, units are ANSI characters (each ANSI character is one byte).

The value of the maxRecordSize property can be changed at any time. The new value takes effect from the next read operation, enabling the maximum record length of a file to be changed dynamically as the file is read.