DateFormat Properties

The properties defined in the DateFormat class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
activeCalendarType Contains the type of calendar that is currently used
dayHasLeadingZeros Specifies if the day number of the short date format contains leading zeros
firstDayOfWeek Contains the day that is considered to be the first day of the week
firstWeekOfYear Contains the week that is considered to be the first week of the year
longDayNames Contains an array of the long day names for the locale
longFormat Contains the long date formatting string for the locale
longFormatOrder Contains the order of the long date format for the locale
longMonthNames Contains an array of the long month names for the locale
monthHasLeadingZeros Specifies if the month number of the short date format contains leading zeros
optionalCalendarType Contains the additional calendar types that are available
separator Contains the separator used in the short date format for the locale
shortDayNames Contains an array of the short format day names for the locale
shortFormat Contains the short formatting string for the locale
shortFormatOrder Contains the order of the short date format for the locale
shortMonthNames Contains an array of the short month names for the locale
showFullCentury Specifies if the short date format is to display the full four-digit year