
Type: Integer

Default Value: 1

The duplex property of the CMDPrint class contains the duplex value; that is, the number of sides on which the paper is printed and the way in which double-sided printing is performed.

You cannot modify this property after printing has begun.

This property applies only when the printSetup property is set to false and the printer device supports duplex printing.

The values of the duplex property are listed in the following table.

Integer Value Description
1 Simple; that is, print is output to one side of the paper only (the default)
2 Vertical; that is, prints on both sides of the paper to read by turning like a book (that is, the duplex Long Side setting)
3 Horizontal; that is, prints on both sides of the paper to read by flipping over like a notepad (that is, the duplex Short Side setting)

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the duplex property.

create cmdPrint;
cmdPrint.duplex := 2;
delete cmdPrint;                            // tidy