
Type: String

Default Value: Null

The fileName property of the CMDFileOpen class contains the path and file name of a selected file for the common File Open dialog.

When the control is created at run time, the fileName property is set to a null string (""), indicating that there is no currently selected file.

To set an initial file name, set the fileName property before calling the open method.

If the allowMultiSelect property is set to true and more than one file is selected, the returned format is as follows.

directory-name first-file-name second-file-name ...

For example:

c:\dir f1.typ f2.typ f3.typ

If the allowMultiSelect property is set to true and more than one file is selected, the fileTitle property is not set.

See the getMultiSelectCount, getMultiSelectDirectory, and getMultiSelectFileTitle methods, which enable you to access the fileName property string when file names contain embedded spaces and the allowMultiSelect property is set to true.