
addDynamicProperty(clusterName:  String;
                   propertyName: String;
                   propertyType: Type;
                   length:       Integer;
                   scaleFactor:  Byte): Property;

The addDynamicProperty method of the Class class adds a new runtime dynamic property with the name specified by the propertyName parameter name to the dynamic property cluster specified by the clusterName parameter in the receiving class and returns the newly created property.

If the type of the property is:

If the property is not one of these types, zero (0) must be specified as the value for the length and scaleFactor parameters.

The property name must be unique; that is, different from the names of other static and dynamic properties in the class and in all superclasses and subclasses in the current schema and in all superschemas and subschemas.

The property name must start with a lowercase letter. It can contain alphanumeric characters including underscore characters, but not spaces.

The process must be in transaction state when a dynamic property definition is added. This transaction must be committed before the property can be used.