msgBox Method Return Values

The value returned by the msgBox method indicates which button has been selected, as shown in the following table.

MessageBox Category Global Constant Integer Value Selected Button
MsgBox_Return_OK 1 OK
MsgBox_Return_Cancel 2 Cancel
MsgBox_Return_Abort 3 Abort
MsgBox_Return_Retry 4 Retry
MsgBox_Return_Ignore 5 Ignore
MsgBox_Return_Yes 6 Yes
MsgBox_Return_No 7 No

If the message box dialog displays a Cancel button, pressing the Esc key has the same effect as clicking the Cancel button.

When using this method for a Web page, you should use app.msgBox sparingly and with care as there is no modal support with Web applications, and any code following app.msgBox in your JADE method continues to be executed.