
Type: Character

Availability: Read-only

The applicationType property of the Application class contains the type of the application.

The application type can be one of the values listed in the following table.

Class Constant Value Description
ApplicationType_GUI G GUI application type (the default), providing full Windows facilities.
ApplicationType_GUI_No_Forms F GUI application that does not display forms; for example, a background client that starts a print task from the initialize method and can perform other tasks that do not require the display of forms.
ApplicationType_Non_GUI S Application that can run in a client node or a server node. The initialize method of a non-GUI application should not use any GUI facilities and should not invoke printing services. A non-GUI application runs on the node on which the Application class startApplication, startApplicationWithParameter, startAppMethod, startAppMethodWithString, or startApplicationWithString method is executed (that is, if this method is executed on a server node, the application is started on that server node).
    Alternatively, you can start a non-GUI application by using the ServerApplication parameter in the [JadeServer] section or the [JadeAppServer] section of the JADE initialization file, which starts the application when the server node is initialized, or you can check the Run As Server Application check box in the JADE development environment Run Application dialog.
ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Rest T Web services application using HTTP that is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style. The Web Application Monitor is not initiated.
ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Web N Application that can be accessed from the Internet as a background task, if required. The Web Options sheet of the Define Application dialog is then enabled. The start-up form defined for the application is the first Web page that is displayed when the application is invoked from the Web browser.
    For a Web services application, the type of Web service provided is based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
    Application features such as Multiple Document Interface (MDI) forms and three-dimensional controls are ignored for Web-enabled applications. In addition, the Web Application Monitor window is not displayed (that is, the Web Application Monitor is not initiated).
ApplicationType_Rest_Services R

Web services application using HTTP that is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style.

ApplicationType_Web_Enabled W Application that can be accessed from the Internet, if required. The Web Options sheet of the Define Application dialog is then enabled. The start-up form defined for the application is the first Web page that is displayed when the application is invoked from the Web browser.
    For a Web services application, the type of Web service provided is based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
    Application features such as Multiple Document Interface (MDI) forms and three-dimensional controls are ignored for Web‑enabled applications.

Applications of type ApplicationType_GUI_No_Forms, ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Web, and ApplicationType_Non_GUI terminate only after the JADE terminate instruction is executed or the application monitor window is closed.

Applications of type ApplicationType_GUI and ApplicationType_Web_Enabled terminate if no forms remain, if only forms created by using the GUIClass class createPrintForm method remain, or when the JADE terminate instruction is executed.

The Application class startApplication, startAppMethod, startAppMethodWithString, startApplicationWithParameter, and startApplicationWithString methods start only applications of type ApplicationType_Non_GUI, ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Web, and ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Rest if they are invoked from a server method or server application. (An exception is raised if they are invoked from a server method or a server application to start an application of a type other than non-GUI.) On a client node, they start all types of application.

You can use the MaxWaitAppStart parameter in the [JadeClient] or [JadeServer] section of the JADE initialization file to increase the time that JADE waits for a GUI or GUI, No Forms application to initiate on another thread before raising an exception when your system has a large number of applications to start and the default value of 45 seconds may not be sufficient for the loading on the machine during startup. For details, see your JADE Initialization File Reference.

Non-GUI applications (that is, those whose Application class applicationType property is set to ApplicationType_Non_GUI, ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Web, or ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Rest) for standard (fat) clients are run as GUI applications that do not display forms; that is, ApplicationType_GUI_No_Forms. Form creation raises an exception if the application is not in exception state.

When running JADE in standard mode, non-GUI applications behave as follows.

The following example shows a method used to initialize an ApplicationType_Non_GUI application.

    today : TimeStamp;
    // Initialize method for a serverAppExample server application.  As
    // server applications must have an ApplicationType_Non_GUI (S)
    // application type and therefore cannot use GUI facilities, initialize
    // and finalize methods must be set.  When the server is started, the
    // serverAppExample application is run and this method is executed.
    write "Server Application Initialized on " & today.String;