TimeStamp Methods

The methods defined in the TimeStamp primitive type are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
date Returns the date part of the receiver
display Returns a string representing the value of the receiver
getSecondsFromUnixEpoch Returns the number of seconds between the Unix epoch and the TimeStamp
isValid Returns true if the receiver contains a valid timestamp value
literalFormat Returns a string representing the receiver in literal format
localToUTCTime Converts a timestamp in local time to UTC using the time zone in which the method executes
localToUTCTimeUsingBias Converts a timestamp in local time to UTC using the specified bias
setByteOrderLocal Returns a timestamp that has the bytes ordered as required by the local node
setByteOrderRemote Returns a timestamp that has the bytes ordered as required by the specified remote node
setDate Sets the date part of the receiver to a specified date
setFromUnixEpoch Sets the TimeStamp by adding the specified number of seconds to the Unix epoch
setTime Sets the time part of the receiver to a specified time
time Returns the time part of the receiver
utcToLocalTime Converts a timestamp in UTC time to local time for the time zone in which the method executes
utcToLocalTimeUsingBias Converts a timestamp in UTC time to local time using the specified bias