Real Methods

The methods defined in the Real primitive type are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
abs Returns the absolute value of the receiver
arccos Returns the arc cosine of the receiver
arcsin Returns the arc sine of the receiver
arctan Returns the arc tangent of the receiver
arcTan2 Returns the arc tangent of a point (atan2 function)
cos Returns the cosine of the receiver
currencyFormat Returns a string in the currency format of the current locale
display Returns the receiver as a string
exp Returns the exponential e to the power of the receiver
getFloatingPointClassification Returns an integer indicating whether the receiver is a normal floating point value or a special value
infinity Sets the receiver to the special positive infinity value
isInfinity Returns true if the receiver has the special positive infinity value
isNaN Returns true if the receiver has the special not a number value
log Returns the natural logarithm of the receiver
log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of the receiver
max Returns the larger value of the receiver and the specified Real
min Returns the lesser value of the receiver and the specified Real
nan Sets the receiver to the special not a number value
numberFormat Returns a string in the number format of the current locale
parseCurrencyWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a currency value for the current locale
parseCurrencyWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a currency value for the specified format and the specified locale
parseNumberWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a number for the current locale
parseNumberWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a number for the specified format and the specified locale
rounded Returns an integer containing the rounded value of the receiver
rounded64 Returns a 64-bit integer containing the rounded value of the receiver
roundedTo Returns the receiver rounded to the specified number of decimal places
roundedUp Returns an integer containing the value of the receiver rounded up to the nearest whole number
roundedUp64 Returns a 64-bit integer containing the value of the receiver rounded up to the nearest whole number
setByteOrderLocal Returns a Real that has the bytes ordered as required by the local node
setByteOrderRemote Returns a Real that has the bytes ordered as required by the specified remote node
setFloatingPointClassification Sets the receiver to a specified special value
sin Returns the sine of the receiver
sqrt Returns the square root of the receiver
tan Returns the tangent of the receiver
truncated Returns an integer containing the truncated value of the receiver
truncated64 Returns a 64-bit integer containing the truncated value of the receiver
truncatedTo Returns the receiver truncated to the specified number of decimal places
userCurrencyFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the specified currency format
userCurrencyFormatAndLcid Returns the receiver as a string in the specified currency format for the specified locale
userNumberFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the specified number format
userNumberFormatAndLcid Returns the receiver as a string in the specified number format for the specified locale