Integer64 Methods

The methods defined in the Integer64 primitive type are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
abs Returns the absolute value of the receiver
bitAnd Returns an integer representing the receiver bits ANDed with the argument
bitNot Returns an integer whose bit values are the inverse of the bit values of the receiver
bitOr Returns an integer representing the receiver bits ORed with the argument
bitXor Returns an integer representing the receiver bits XORed with the argument
display Returns the receiver as a string
isEven Returns true if the receiver represents an even number; otherwise false
isOdd Returns true if the receiver represents an odd number; otherwise false
max Returns the larger value of the receiver and a specified Integer64
min Returns the lesser value of the receiver and a specified Integer64
numberFormat Returns a string in the number format of the current locale
padLeadingWith Returns a copy of the receiver padded to the specified length with a leading character
parseCurrencyWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a currency value for the current locale
parseCurrencyWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a currency value for the specified format and the specified locale
parseNumberWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a number for the current locale
parseNumberWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a number for the specified format and the specified locale
setByteOrderLocal Returns an integer that has the bytes ordered as required by the local node
setByteOrderRemote Returns an integer that has the bytes ordered as required by a specified remote node
userCurrencyFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the specified currency format
userCurrencyFormatAndLcid Returns the receiver as a string in the specified currency format for the specified locale
userNumberFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the specified number format
userNumberFormatAndLcid Returns the receiver as a string in the specified number format for the specified locale