Decimal Methods

The methods defined in the Decimal primitive type are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
abs Returns the absolute value of the receiver
asBinary Returns the Binary representation of the receiver
asDecimal Returns the receiver as a Decimal with the specified precision and decimal places
currencyFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the currency format of the current locale
display Returns a string containing the receiver
getDeclaredPrecision Returns the declared precision (length) of a Decimal variable
getDeclaredScaleFactor Returns the declared number of decimal places of a Decimal variable
numberFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the numeric format of the current locale
parseCurrencyWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a currency value for the current locale
parseCurrencyWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a currency value for the specified format and the specified locale
parseNumberWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a number for the current locale
parseNumberWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a number for the specified format and the specified locale
rounded Returns an integer containing the rounded value of the receiver
rounded64 Returns a 64-bit integer containing the rounded value of the receiver
roundedTo Returns the receiver rounded to the specified number of decimal places
setByteOrderLocal Returns a Decimal that has the bytes ordered as required by the local node
setByteOrderRemote Returns a Decimal that has the bytes ordered as required by the specified remote node
truncated Returns an integer containing the truncated value of the receiver
truncated64 Returns a 64-bit integer containing the truncated value of the receiver
truncatedTo Returns the receiver truncated to the specified number of decimal places
userCurrencyFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the specified currency format
userCurrencyFormatAndLcid Returns the receiver as a string in the specified currency format for the current locale
userNumberFormat Returns the receiver as a string in the specified number format
userNumberFormatAndLcid Returns the receiver as a string in the specified number format for the specified locale