Date Methods

The methods defined in the Date primitive type are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
day Returns the day of the month as an integer
dayName Returns the name of the day of the week as a string
dayNameWithLcid Returns the name of the day of the week as a string for the specified locale
dayOfWeek Returns an integer value for the day of the week
dayOfYear Returns an integer value for the day of the year
daysInMonth Returns an integer value of the days in the month of the date of the receiver
display Returns the date as a string
format Returns the date as a string in the specified format
isFormatable Returns true if the date falls within the valid conversion range for the execution platform
isLeapYear Returns true if the year is a leap year
isValid Returns true if the date is valid
lastOccurrenceOfDayInMonth Returns the date identical to the receiver except that the day is modified to the last occurrence that matches the specified day of the week
longFormat Returns the date as a string in the long date format
month Returns the month as an integer
monthName Returns the name of the month
monthNameWithLcid Returns the name of the month for the specified locale
nthOccurrenceOfDayInMonth Returns the date identical to the receiver except the day is modified to match the specified nth occurrence (for example, 1st or 2nd) that matches the specified day of the week
parseForCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a date for the current locale
parseLongWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a date in the long date format for the current locale
parseLongWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a date for the specified long date format and the specified locale
parseLongWithPicAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a date for the specified long date picture and the specified locale
parseShortWithCurrentLocale Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a date in the short date format for the current locale
parseShortWithFmtAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a date for the specified short date format and the specified locale
parseShortWithPicAndLcid Sets the receiver to the result of parsing a string representing a date for the specified short date picture and the specified locale
setByteOrderLocal Returns a date that has the bytes ordered as required by the local node
setByteOrderRemote Returns a date that has the bytes ordered as required by the specified remote node
setDate Sets the receiver to a specified date
setDateYearAbsolute Sets the receiver to a specific absolute date
shortDayNameWithLcid Returns the short name of the week day for the specified locale
shortFormat Returns the date in the short date format
shortMonthNameWithLcid Returns the short name of the month for the specified locale
subtract Returns the interval between the receiver and the specified date
userFormat Returns the date as a string in the specified date format
userLongFormatAndLcid Returns the date as a string in the specified long date format for the specified locale
userLongFormatPicAndLcid Returns the date as a string formatted in the specified long date picture for the specified locale
userShortFormatAndLcid Returns the date as a string in the specified short date format for the specified locale
userShortFormatPicAndLcid Returns the date as a string formatted in the specified short date picture for the specified locale
year Returns the year as in integer