RPSTransitionHaltCode Category

The global constants that enable you to determine whether the Relational Population Service (RPS) table alter script will be loaded automatically or whether manual action is required from the RDB administrator when a schema instantiation is replayed by an RPS node and the data pump application and database tracking are halted to achieve a schema transition.

When the event RPS_SchemaTransition (event type 220) is caused on the system instance, the userInfo parameter passed to the userNotification callback method contains one of the global constants listed in the following table. (The RPS_SchemaTransition event is represented by a global constant in the SDSEventTypes category.)

Global Constant Integer Value Description
RPS_HaltAutoScript 1 An automatic initiate alter script was generated (will be automatically loaded by the data pump application if configured to automatically restart)
RPS_HaltManualScript 2 A manual alter script was generated (requires administration user intervention to apply changes to RDB before tracking can be resumed)
RPS_HaltMappingDeleted 3 The RPS mapping was deleted on the primary database, rendering the RPS node and associated RDB defunct
RPS_HaltNoScript 0 Changes do not affect RDB, so no script was generated