JadeErrorCodesRPS Category

The global constants for the Relational Population Service (RPS) error codes that you can use in your own exception handlers, if required, are listed in the following table.

Global Constant Integer Value
JErr_DataPumpAlreadyRunning 3265
JErr_LegalOnRpsOnly 3264
JErr_NotDataPumpApp 3266
JErr_RpsAdminHalt 3262
JErr_RpsConnectionError 3274
JErr_RpsDuplicatedKey 3258
JErr_RpsExtractRequestError 3269
JErr_RpsMultiRowAffected 3260
JErr_RpsTableNameNotFound 3273
JErr_RpsZeroRowsAffected 3259
JErr_ValidOnRpsMappingOnly 3272