Pool of Available Processes

When a connection is first established from a .NET application to JADE, a node is created with a pool of available processes. The connection uses one of the processes and releases it back to the pool when the connection is closed, which happens when the associated JoobContext object is disposed of.

If the default connection is used, the number of processes in the pool can be specified in the defaultPoolSize attribute of the <jade> element of the application configuration file, as shown in the following example.

<joob defaultConnection="myDefault" defaultPoolSize="15">

If the defaultPoolSize attribute is omitted, the default value of 10 is used.

If you use the free JADE developer licence, which allows five processes only, reduce the pool size as follows.

<joob defaultConnection="myDefault" defaultPoolSize="2">

If you do not change the default value, you will encounter exception 5504 (You have exceeded the number of Process Licenses) when creating a JoobContext object.

For an alternative connection string defined in the application configuration, you can override the defaultPoolSize value with the poolSize attribute within the <tuning> element, as shown in the following example.

    <add connection="other" poolSize="20" />